Eikthyrdeer Stew Paldeck Entry

Eikthyrdeer Stew

About Eikthyrdeer Stew

A tender, melt-in-your-mouth venison stew crafted with love. The intertwining flavors of vegetables and meat create a harmonious blend that brings out a comforting richness. Eat to increase Defense by +20% for a period of time.

Eikthyrdeer Stew Information

Weight: 1
Rarity: 2
Rank: 3
Base Price: 2120

Who Drops Eikthyrdeer Stew

Eikthyrdeer Stew Bonus Stats

There's currently no bonus stats available for Eikthyrdeer Stew.

How To Craft Eikthyrdeer Stew

What To Use Eikthyrdeer Stew For?

This is the list of items that use Eikthyrdeer Stew as a recipe, if there's nothing here, maybe there will be later.