Chikipi Poultry Paldeck Entry

Chikipi Poultry

About Chikipi Poultry

Chikipi meat. Light and easy to eat, it's a local favorite for residents of Palpagos Island.

Chikipi Poultry Information

Weight: 1
Rank: 1
Base Price: 100

Who Drops Chikipi Poultry

Chikipi Poultry Bonus Stats

There's currently no bonus stats available for Chikipi Poultry.

How To Craft Chikipi Poultry

You aren't able to craft Chikipi Poultry yet, but be optimistic this may change, or you can get to farming..

What To Use Chikipi Poultry For?

This is the list of items that use Chikipi Poultry as a recipe, if there's nothing here, maybe there will be later.