Kelpsea Skills

Kelpsea has a total of 7 learnable skills. Kelpsea gains new skills by levelling up, it can also learn new skills by consuming skill fruits.

Hydro Jet

Power: 30 Level: 1

Hurls a high speed ball of water at an enemy.

Dragon Cannon

Power: 30 Level: 7

Hurls an energy ball imbued with draconic energy at an enemy.

Aqua Gun

Power: 40 Level: 15

Hurls a ball of water straight at an enemy.

Bubble Blast

Power: 65 Level: 22

Fires numerous bubbles that slowly pursue an enemy.

Power Bomb

Power: 70 Level: 30

Charges a massive amount of energy before firing a large destructive ball.

Aqua Burst

Power: 100 Level: 40

Creates a giant ball of water and hurls it at an enemy.

Hydro Laser

Power: 150 Level: 50

Shoots pressurized water at extreme velocities, sweeping over a wide area in front of it.

Kelpsea Paldeck Entry



About Kelpsea

Its personality changes depending on the quality of the water it was born into. Kelpsea born into polluted waters are generally ill-tempered and quickly become delinquents.

Kelpsea Partner Skill

Aqua Spout

While in team, increases attack power of Water Pals.

Kelpsea Drops

Kelpsea Counters

Kelpsea is a Water Pal. Water Pals are weak to Electricity Pals.