Celaray Skills
Celaray has a total of 7 learnable skills. Celaray gains new skills by levelling up, it can also learn new skills by consuming skill fruits.
Hydro Jet
Power: 30 Level: 1
Hurls a high speed ball of water
at an enemy.
Aqua Gun
Power: 40 Level: 7
Hurls a ball of water
straight at an enemy.
Power Shot
Power: 35 Level: 15
Charges energy
into a focused blast.
Bubble Blast
Power: 65 Level: 22
Fires numerous bubbles
that slowly pursue an enemy.
Seed Machine Gun
Power: 50 Level: 30
Fires a volley of hard seeds
at enemies in front of it.
Aqua Burst
Power: 100 Level: 40
Creates a giant ball of water
and hurls it at an enemy.
Hydro Laser
Power: 150 Level: 50
Shoots pressurized water at extreme velocities,
sweeping over a wide area in front of it.