Lovander Skills
Lovander has a total of 7 learnable skills. Lovander gains new skills by levelling up, it can also learn new skills by consuming skill fruits.
Power Shot
Power: 35 Level: 1
Charges energy
into a focused blast.
Poison Blast
Power: 30 Level: 7
Hurls poison sludge
at an enemy.
Shadow Burst
Power: 55 Level: 15
Quickly discharges dark energy,
damaging those around it.
Acid Rain
Power: 80 Level: 22
Creates acidic clouds that
pour down acid rain on enemies.
Power Bomb
Power: 70 Level: 30
Charges a massive amount of energy
before firing a large destructive ball.
Power: 180 Level: 40
Risks its life to cause a violent explosion.
Becomes incapacitated afterwards.
Pal Blast
Power: 150 Level: 50
Charges destructive energy before firing
a high-powered beam forward across a wide area.