Swee Skills

Swee has a total of 7 learnable skills. Swee gains new skills by levelling up, it can also learn new skills by consuming skill fruits.

Air Cannon

Power: 25 Level: 1

Quickly fires a burst of highly pressurized air.

Ice Missile

Power: 30 Level: 7

Creates ice lances in the air that fly towards enemies.

Icicle Cutter

Power: 55 Level: 15

Creates a crescent blade of ice and hurls it forward.

Power Bomb

Power: 70 Level: 22

Charges a massive amount of energy before firing a large destructive ball.


Power: 70 Level: 30

Summons a sharp ice lance under an enemy.

Cryst Breath

Power: 90 Level: 40

Enshrouds an enemy in a frigid blast of air, dealing continuous damage.

Blizzard Spike

Power: 130 Level: 50

Creates a giant lump of ice and hurls it at an enemy. It deals damage to those in the surrounding area upon impact.

Swee Paldeck Entry



About Swee

Crawling along the ground, it eats microscopic organic matter. After a while, it discharges any substances that provide no nutrition. By using it as a mop for cleaning, everyone wins!

Swee Partner Skill


While in team, Sweepa's stats will be increased.

Swee Drops

Wool Palworld Item Wool 1 - 1

Swee Counters

Swee is a Ice Pal. Ice Pals are weak to Fire Pals.