Tanzee Skills

Tanzee has a total of 7 learnable skills. Tanzee gains new skills by levelling up, it can also learn new skills by consuming skill fruits.

Wind Cutter

Power: 30 Level: 1

Fires a high speed blade of wind that flies straight at an enemy.

Sand Blast

Power: 40 Level: 7

Hurls sticky mud at an enemy.

Seed Machine Gun

Power: 50 Level: 15

Fires a volley of hard seeds at enemies in front of it.

Seed Mine

Power: 65 Level: 22

Launches a deadly seed. If it hits an enemy, the seed explodes.

Stone Cannon

Power: 70 Level: 30

Digs up a boulder and hurls it at an enemy.

Grass Tornado

Power: 80 Level: 40

Generates two tornadoes on either side before launching them at an enemy.

Solar Blast

Power: 150 Level: 50

Charges solar energy before blasting enemies with a powerful beam.

Tanzee Paldeck Entry



About Tanzee

Long ago, this Pal used long objects like tree branches as weapons. After coming into contact with humans, however, it found something slightly more effective: guns.

Tanzee Partner Skill

Cheery Rifle

When activated, Tanzee will mercilessly fire an assault rifle at nearby enemies.

Tanzee Drops

Tanzee Counters

Tanzee is a Leaf Pal. Leaf Pals are weak to Fire Pals.